Curl up in your reading corner

Eleanor Douglas-Meyers is a crafty mom from Uitenhage who writes about DIY, parenting, natural hair care, fashion, food and fun on her blog . One of the things she loves best is to curl up with her son with a good book.

Some of my fondest memories are cuddling up with a good book.

I lived in a small town and as a kid – either because I was pretty naïve or because things were safer back then – my best friend at the time and I would walk to the library and spend hours just BEING THERE.

They knew us by name and would keep our favourite books and suggest others, I loved it.

But things are different now, everything is much more hustle and bustle and most parents are not going to let their kids walk over to the library by themselves and they don’t have the time to watch them as they wander through the aisles.

Libraries are still one of my favourite places in the world BUT I’m a realist and know that having a reading space inside the home is a little more practical.

Aidan is a big reader – and by that I mean he is a big memoriser and repeater of stories, but it’s a good start.

However, he doesn’t have the best reading area yet (a giant pillow and a vegetable rack is, like, so not on people) so I’m looking into creating a great reading area for him. Reading area Here is what I think a reading area needs:

– Good lighting. I used to read by flashlight under the covers but I would like him to have something better, such as a well lit room or at least lamp to read by.

– Comfortable seating. I can get lost in books for hours -– when I used to have an attention span that is – and think a comfy seat is very important. A pile of pillows or a bean bag chair makes for great seating.

– Book marks. I hate losing my place in books and don’t appreciate folding corners over in books, so a container of bookmarks in my reading area would be awesome (oops, I mean my son’s reading area!).

– Storage space. I have a vegetable rack right now and it works okay but you can’t see what you have too well, so a book case would be preferable. You could use something like a crate or a magazine rack if your collection is not too big.

– A theme (because, Hi I’m Eleanor and I love themed things).

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