Buys to address MND meeting

THE Port Elizabeth Motor Neuron Disease Association (MND) has invited relationship counsellor and sexologist Leandie Buys to speak at its monthly get-together tomorrow in Mount Croix. The meeting is open to everyone who has an interest in neuro-muscular progressive degenerative diseases. Registered nurse Gaynor Bishop, head of MND for the Eastern Cape, said meetings were on the first Tuesday of every month at the Old Grey Club in Lennox Road, Mount Croix, with speakers who were specialists in their fields addressing the group. "I invite everyone who is interested to learn about neuro-muscular progressive degenerative diseases, like muscular dystrophy and cerebral, which break up families and leave patients de-capacitated," she said, adding that these illnesses had no bearing to race as previously perceived. The meeting will start at 10.30am and guest speaker Buys will give a talk on "intimacy in the face of adversity". Entrance is free and refreshments will be served. Further information from Bishop on 079-591-2148 or e-mail
